Giving Bak Foundation lives up to it’s name in multiple ways. Last month we prepared 30,150 hot meals for those affected by flooding in Beaumont Texas. We also participate in awesome events like yesterday!
We were able to give an amazing hunt to a well deserving young man named Alex Bushnell. He was able to harvest this nice buck. ( pics below ) The folks from the Giving BAK will have the deer processed for him and his family to enjoy. Giving Bak goes beyond just serving after a disaster. This is another great example of our way to show GODS Love Thur serving! A special thanks goes to the Jeane family, Diamond J Ranch for hosting the hunt, Buddy’s Whitetails for alll there help. And to all the volunteers who took time out to cook, clean and make this event happen. GOD Will Carry YOU Through the Storm – Isaiah 43:2 Thank you to the many groups and individuals that came together to help Beaumont and the surrounding communities in need after the horrific flooding caused by tropical storm Imelda! It’s so comforting and reassuring to know that it doesn’t take an act of congress or a “declaration of disaster” to get groups to come to the aid of those in need. Whether we were going to feed the only 4000 people in need or ending up at 30,150, we were joining forces to help because that’s what we do for each other! This was our first official deployment as the Giving BAK Foundation and it was a huge success. Thank you to Antioch Missionary Baptist Church – Beaumont, TX for hosting, networking, organizing and taking care of all of the many volunteers and countless others. Thank you Brek Webber with Tin Roof BBQ for hauling Thelma and Louise out to us at the spur of the moment!! Craig Sharry, you’re a rock star that can always be counted on and your support means the world!! Thank you Texas Pepper Jelly! Thank you Head Country BBQ and Ron Garcia with Big Ron’s Rub for the donations and support!! Thank you to the President and CEO of the Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Bill Allen for coming out and prepping/cooking ALL that chicken with the guys! Your help was greatly appreciated!
To the members of Classic Southeast Texas, way to take care of your community! Thank you Maureen Turpin McAllister with United Way Orange County and Blake Henson with Texas Firewalkers for helping to get the meals to those in need! Last but not least, thank you to Felicia Young, Sherrie Williams Charles, Larry St Andrew, and countless others for all of the love and support over the past week. We could not have done this without you and I know I’ve missed a few. |